
Attacks in Athens
(share of total)



no fatalities

no injuries


political offices9
financial institutes6
diplomatic property2
corporate offices1
government property1
officials' priv. property1
public transport struct.1

List of incidents

  1. Oct. 13, 2002 – The car of the mayor was destroyed in a bomb explosion in the Halandri suburb of Athinai. [Kath]
  2. Dec. 21, 2003 – An incendiary bomb went off at the offices of a construction company in Athinai‘s Halandri suburb. [Kath]
  3. Jan. 19, 2006 – An office of the conservative ND party was damaged in an incendiary bomb blast in the Zografou suburb of Athinai. [In, Kath & Naf]
  4. Jan. 19, 2006 – A vehicle belonging to the municipality was damaged in a small bomb blast in the Neo Ionia suburb of Athinai. [In, Kath & Naf]
  5. Jan. 19, 2006 – An incendiary bomb exploded at a bank in the Kypseli suburb of Athinai, causing only damage. [In, Kath & Naf]
  6. Jul. 22, 2006 – An incendiary bomb went off at the office of a member of parliament for the social-democratic PASOK party in central Athinai. [In & Kath]
  7. Dec. 21, 2006 – An office of the conservative ND party was hit in an incendiary bomb explosion in the Melissia suburb of Athinai. [In & Kath]
  8. Dec. 21, 2006 – A South Korean diplomatic vehicle was damaged in an incendiary bomb blast in the Halandri suburb of Athinai. [In & Kath]
  9. Dec. 21, 2006 – A parked car from Albania was damaged in a small bomb blast in the Aghios Panteleimonas suburb of Athinai. [In]
  10. Dec. 21, 2006 – An incendiary bomb exploded at the parking lot of a subway station in the Evangelismos neighborhood of Athinai, damaging two cars. [In & Kath]
  11. Dec. 21, 2006 – A bank was damaged in an incendiary bomb blast in Athinai. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [Kath]
  12. Jan. 11, 2007 – Three banks and an office of the conservative ND party suffered damage in a series of incendiary bomb blasts in the Patissia neighborhood of Athinai. [Kath]
  13. Mar. 19, 2009 – The offices of a member of parliament for the conservative ND party was hit in an incendiary bomb explosion in central Athinai. [Elef, Kath & Naf]
  14. Jul. 08, 2009 – A bomb exploded outside an office of the nationalist LAOS party in the Aghia Paraskevi suburb of Athinai. [Elef]
  15. Jan. 28, 2010 – The offices of former Greek prime minister Costas Simitas were seriously damaged in a bomb attack in the city center of Athinai. [Kath, Naf & TV]
  16. Mar. 26, 2010 – An incendiary bomb went off at a bank in the Kypseli suburb of Athinai. Nobody was hurt in the blast. [Elef]
  17. Mar. 27, 2010 – An office of the social-democratic PASOK party was targeted in an incendiary bomb blast in Athinai‘s Egaleo suburb. [Elef]
  18. Mar. 19, 2011 – An incendiary bomb exploded outside the office of health minister Andreas Loverdos in the city of Athinai. [Elef]

Elef: Eleftherotypía (Greece), In: In News (Greece), Kath: Kathimerini (Greece), Naf: Naftemporiki (Greece), TV: To Vima (Greece)