
Attacks in Athens
(share of total)



no fatalities

no injuries

Campaign targets

  • political facilities (12 incidents)
  • government officials’ property (3 incidents)
  • law practices (2 incidents)
  • financial institutions (1 incident)
  • business associations (1 incident)

Note: Two of the OMA’s operations were against multiple targets.

List of incidents

  1. Mar. 29, 2009 – An incendiary bomb went off at an office of the conservative ND party in the Zografou suburb of Athina. The OMA asserted responsibility for the incident. [Kath & TV]
  2. May 12, 2009 – Militants set off an incendiary bomb at an office of an insurance company in Athina‘s Koukaki neighborhood. The attack was claimed by the OMA. [Kath & TV]
  3. Jul. 27, 2009 – An incendiary bomb went off at the office of member of parliament for the nationalist LAOS party Dimitra Arapoglou in the Koukaki neighborhood of Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the action. [Kath, TOC & TV]
  4. Jan. 04, 2010 – Assailants detonated an incendiary bomb an office of the social-democratic PASOK party in Athina‘s Kallithea suburb. [N24/7, PT, TOC, TV]
  5. Feb. 26, 2010 – The office of member of parliament for the social-democratic PASOK party Pemys Zouni was damaged in an arson attack in central Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the incident. [Kath & TV]
  6. Apr. 14, 2010 – An incendiary bomb exploded at the office of PASOK legislator Kristos Protopapas in Athina‘s Kolonaki suburb. The OMA asserted responsibility for the incident. [N24/7, PT & TV]
  7. Nov. 23, 2010 – Attackers set off an incendiary bomb at the Greek-Chinese chamber of commerce in the city of Athina. The action was claimed by the OMA. [N24/7 & TV]
  8. Apr. 18, 2011 – Militants set off incendiary bombs at a building housing the offices of two members of parliament in Athina. The legislators belonged to the conservative ND and social-democratic PASOK parties. The OMA asserted responsibility for the incident. [Efi]
  9. Nov. 14, 2011 – An incendiary bomb went off at the office of the deputy European affairs minister in Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the attack. [AFP, AP, Kath, Naf & TN]
  10. Dec. 13, 2011 – Incendiary bombs exploded at the offices of Greek justice minister Miltiadis Papaioannou and PASOK legislator Vassos Papandreos in the same building in the city center of Athina. The incident was claimed by the OMA. [AFP, Kath, Naf & TN]
  11. Apr. 03, 2012 – A small bomb went off outside the offices of former Greek prime minister Costas Simitis in the city center of Athina, causing only minor damage. The OMA claimed responsibility for the incident. [AP, Naf, Reut & Thes]
  12. Jun. 13, 2012 – Militants set off an incendiary bomb at the offices of a lawyer who served as a consultant in the privatization of a casino in Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the action. [TV]
  13. Feb. 13, 2013 – An incendiary bomb went off at an office of the fascist CA party in the city of Piraeus. The attack was claimed by the OMA. [Kath, N24/7, PT & TOC]
  14. Jul. 04, 2013 – The office of member of parliament for the conservative ND party Fevronia Patrianakou was firebombed by militants in the city of Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the attack, [ANA, BBC, Kath & Thes]
  15. Jan. 14, 2014 – Assailants hurled a firebomb at an office of the Greek interior minister Giannis Michelakis in the Kolonaki suburb of Athina, inflicting major damage. The attack was claimed by the OMA. [Kath, Naf, NH, TN & TV]
  16. Jan. 15, 2015 – An incendiary bomb went off at the entrance of the office of senior member of the conservative ND party Adonis Georgiadis in the city center of Athina. The OMA claimed responsibility for the attack. [Kath, NR, Reut & TN]
  17. Mar. 09, 2017 – Militants set off an incendiary bomb at the office of the lawyer of a defendant in the trial against the fascist CA party’s leadership in Athina. The action was claimed by the OMA. [Zou]

AFP: Agence France-Presse (FR), ANA: Athens News Agency (GR), AP: Associated Press (US), Efi: Efimerida (GR), Kath: Kathimerini (GR), N24/7: News 24/7 (GR), Naf: Naftemporiki (GR), NH: National Herald (GR), NR: Nantia Report (GR), PT: Proto Thema (GR), Reut: Reuters (UK), Thes: Thestival (GR), TN: Ta Nea (GR), TOC: Times of Change (GR), TV: To Vima (GR), Zou: Zougla (GR)