• Local Name: Οργάνωση Επαναστατικής Αυτοάμυνας
  • Transliteration: Orgánosi Epanastatikís Aftoámynas
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2014 – Active
  • Conflicts: Greek Anarchist Militancy

The Revolutionary Self-Defense Organization [OEAA; Orgánosi Epanastatikís Aftoámynas] is a militant group made up of about half a dozen veteran anarchist terrorists based in the Exarchia neighborhood of Athens.1 Despite its small size, the OEAA is considered to be one of Greece’s most dangerous terrorist outfits because it wants to inflict casualties.2

The OEAA first appeared on May 24, 2014, when gunmen opened fire at an office of the social-democratic PASOK party in Athens.3 In July, the outfit posted a statement on an anarchist website asserting responsibility for the incident.4 On Jul. 31, 2016, it reemerged when members fired shots at the building housing the Mexican embassy. The OEAA was also behind a grenade attack against the French embassy on Nov. 10 of that same year. A security guard was hurt in the incident.5 A few days later, the group released a message in which it claimed to be responsible for the attacks on the two diplomatic missions.6 On Jan. 10, 2017, OEAA militants shot and injured two policemen guarding a PASOK office in the Greek capital city.7 The group again claimed to be behind the attack in a lengthy statement.8

Some of the OEAA’s attacks came shortly after the high-profile arrests of members of the Revolutionary Struggle [EA; Epanastatikos Agonas] and the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire [SPF; Synomosía ton Pyrínon tis Fotiás].9 The three entities are assumed to have emerged from the same circles.
