• Local Name: Αναρχικής Κοινοπραξίας Επίθεσης
  • Transliteration: Anarchikís Koinopraxías Epíthesis
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2014 – 2014 (Disbanded)
  • Conflicts: Greek Anarchist Militancy

The Anarchist Attack Consortium [AKE; Anarchikís Koinopraxías Epíthesis] was a short-lived Greek anarchist militant outfit. It planted a bomb outside a bank in Athens’ Halandri suburb on Dec. 10, 2014. Police defused the bomb after members of the group had warned of an impending attack in telephone calls to newspapers.1 About two weeks later, the AKE claimed responsibility for the incident in a message posted on an anarchist website.2 The group expressed solidarity with imprisoned anarchist militant Nikos Romanos who was on a hunger strike at the time.3

Due to clear tactical similarities, the authorities believed that the AKE was closely connected to the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire [SPF; Synomosía ton Pyrínon tis Fotías], the December 6 Revolutionary Organization [EOED; Epanastatikís Orgánosis Éxi Dekémvri], the Forces of the Revolutionary Arc [DET; Dynámeis tou Epanastatikoú Tóxou] and the Revolutionary Overthrow Cell [RO; Epanastatikí Anatropí].4
