Total casualties

1 fatality

18 injuries

Total incidents

Corsican Militancy
(share of incidents)


Militant violence trending
insignificant variations


Breakdown by conflict

Geographic breakdown

  • 1 – Corse-du-Sud (18 incids)
  • 2 – Essonne (5 incidents)
  • 3 – Haut-Rhin (5 incids)

Overview of incidents

  1. Jan. 05 – About fifteen thugs hurled firebombs at a tram in the Coteaux suburb of Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [AFP, Dau, F3, Fig & Par]
  2. Jan. 06 – A bomb exploded at a holiday home under construction near Porto-Vecchio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [F3]
  3. Jan. 10 – Attackers hurled a firebomb at a parked police car outside a station in Bastia, in the Haute-Corse department, destroying the vehicle. [Fig]
  4. Jan. 15 – Militants bombed and destroyed three bungalows at a holiday park near Propriano, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [F3 & Fig]
  5. Jan. 26 – A group of approximately fifteen thugs hurled firebombs and stones at a police vehicles on two separate occasions in the Bourtzwiller suburb of Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin department. [DNA]
  6. Feb. 12 – Two civilians sustained injuries when a bomb exploded at a holiday villa in Porto-Vecchio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [DPA]
  7. Feb. 17 – Attackers hurled a homemade incendiary bomb at a police station in the town of Mazamet, in the Tarn department. [Dep]
  8. Feb. 24 – Thugs threw two firebombs at a police vehicle in the city of Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [AFP, Dau, F3, Fig & Par]
  9. Mar. 11 – A gunman fired a shot at a tram in the city of Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin department. No one was injured in the attack. [Fig & Par]
  10. Mar. 13 – Three bombs exploded at the construction site of a do-it-yourself store in Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing considerable damage. [20M, F3 & Fig]
  11. Mar. 13 – The holiday home of the mayor of a French city was damaged in an incendiary bomb explosion in Cargèse, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [20M, F3 & Fig]
  12. Apr. 24 – Thugs set fire to street furniture in the Vigneux-sur-Seine suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. An officer was injured when assailants subsequently hurled rocks at policemen responding to the incident. [Dep]
  13. Apr. 25 – A motorcycle-borne gunman shot and killed the director of the local national park department as he was driving his car in the city of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [Dep & Fig]
  14. Apr. 26 – A small bomb exploded at the construction site of a house in Sagone, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing only damage. [CM & Fig]
  15. May 25 – An Islamist militant stabbed and injured a French soldier on a square in the Défense neighborhood of Paris. [Mon & Reut]
  16. May 26 – An incendiary bomb exploded at a special police forces base on the outskirts of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing only damage. [20M, F3 & Fig]
  17. May 31 – Unidentified attackers set fire to a holiday home in the village of Olmiccia, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [CM]
  18. Jun. 03 – A holiday home was partially destroyed in an incendiary bomb explosion in the village of Giuncheto, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [CM]
  19. Jun. 08 – Unknown attackers threw three firebombs at a Romany camp in Lille’s Hellemmes suburb, in the Nord department. [F3, Fig, Par & TF1]
  20. Jun. 15 – A group of about ten thugs hurled two homemade incendiary bombs and rocks at a police patrol in the Bourtzwiller suburb of Mulhouse, in the Haut-Rhin department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [Fig & JDD]
  21. Jun. 22 – A bomb exploded at the construction site of a cheese factory in Sarrola-Carcopino, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing only damage. [20M]
  22. Jul. 13 – A public transport bus was destroyed when thugs attacked it with a firebomb in the city of Paris. The driver and dozens of passengers escaped unharmed. [Fig & Par]
  23. Jul. 14 – A band of thugs hurled firebombs at police vehicles during disturbances in the Parisian suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis. [Point]
  24. Jul. 16 – Unknown assailants hurled a firebomb at an office of the nationalist FN party in Boulogne-Billancourt, in the Hauts-de-Seine department, causing limited damage. [Met]
  25. Jul. 17 – A bomb went off outside an office of the social-democratic PS party in the city of Carcassonne, in the Aude department. The CAV claimed responsibility for the attack. [Loc & RFi]
  26. Jul. 19 – Dozens of thugs hurled a firebomb at a police vehicle and set fire to at least 39 parked cars following confrontations between protesters and security forces in the town of Trappes and neighboring Elancourt, in the Yvelines department. [AFP, Dep & Fig]
  27. Jul. 21 – About twenty parked cars were set on fire by thugs in Trappes and nearby Guyancourt and Maurepas, in the department of Yvelines. [Dep]
  28. Jul. 21 – A parked police vehicle was damaged in a firebomb attack by thugs in the Parisian suburb of Elancourt, in the Yvelines department. [Dep]
  29. Jul. 26 – A band of thugs set fire to a trash bins in the town of Creil, in the Oise department. The assailants subsequently launched firebombs at police personnel and firemen as they arrived at the scene. [CPic]
  30. Jul. 31 – Thugs threw a rock at a policeman on a motorcycle as he was on patrol in the Parisian Saint-Denis suburb, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. The officer was subsequently assaulted by the attackers as he lay on the ground. The policeman was hurt in the incident. [Par]
  31. Jul. 31 – A bomb exploded at a Jehovah’s Witnesses’ hall in Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. No one was hurt in the blast. [F3]
  32. Aug. 26 – A beachside eatery was destroyed in a bomb explosion in the city center of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [F3]
  33. Aug. 30 – Thugs hurled a firebomb and stones at policemen in Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines department. No one was hurt in the incident. [Par]
  34. Sep. 04 – Assailants bombed and damaged a café in the city of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. [F3]
  35. Sep. 22 – Attackers fired several shots at a police station in the Parisian suburb of Montgeron, in the Essonne department. No one was hurt in the incident. [OF]
  36. Sep. 27 – A band of thugs set fire to a parked car in the Mureaux suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. The attackers subsequently fired buckshot and hurled rocks at policemen who arrived at the scene. Ten officers were hurt in the incident. [OF]
  37. Oct. 06 – Fifteen cars were damaged in an arson attack by thugs in the Empalot suburb of Toulouse, in the Haute-Garonne department. [Fig]
  38. Oct. 23 – A bomb went off at the premises of a construction company in the city of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing considerable damage. [F3]
  39. Oct. 26 – Approximately fifteen parked cars were set alight by a band of thugs in the Vénissieux suburb of Lyon. The incident occurred during tensions over a traffic accident. [20M]
  40. Oct. 29 – Militants bombed and damaged a house under construction in the village of Zilia, in the Haute-Corse department. [F3]
  41. Oct. 30 – Thugs threw two homemade incendiary bombs at a police station in the Parisian suburb of Aubervilliers, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Fig & Par]
  42. Nov. 13 – Thugs hurled firebombs at a school and burnt the parked car of a teacher in Aubervilliers, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. The assailants were angry over the expulsion of several foreign students from local schools. [20M, AFP, BFMTV, F3, Fig & Par]
  43. Nov. 14 – Four thugs stabbed and assaulted the driver of an empty public bus at a terminal in the Parisian suburb of Coudray-Montceaux, in the Essonne department. The attackers subsequently set fire to the bus and tried to burn the driver alive. The victim managed to escape. [BFMTV & OF]
  44. Nov. 16 – A bomb exploded at a holiday home under construction in the village of Tizzano, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing considerable damage. FLNC militants were behind the attack. [F3 & Fig]
  45. Nov. 18 – An Islamist militant fired shots at the offices of the socialist Libération newspaper in the city of Paris. A news photographer was hurt in the incident. [AFP]
  46. Nov. 18 – Thugs set fire to three heavy machines at a construction site in the Parisian suburb of Corbeil, in the Essonne department. The attackers later hurled stones at policemen who arrived at the scene, injuring one officer. [20M]
  47. Nov. 19 – A group of thugs hurled four firebombs at parked cars and set fire to street furniture in the Cantepau suburb of Albi, in the Tarn department. The incidents occurred after the Algerian national soccer team had won a game. [Dep]
  48. Nov. 21 – Thugs hurled several incendiary bombs at a police station in the Felix-Pyat suburb of Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department. [20M, BFMTV, F3, Fig, OF & Par]
  49. Nov. 26 – Approximately fifteen parked cars were set alight by thugs in the Vénissieux suburb of Lyon. The incident occurred during tensions between locals and the police following a traffic accident. [Fig]
  50. Dec. 05 – Terrorists launched a rocket at a police station in the city of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. Nobody was hurt in the attack. [20M, F3 & Fig]
  51. Dec. 05 – Attackers fired a rocket at a police station in the city of Bastia, in the Haute-Corse department, causing only damage. [20M, F3 & Fig]
  52. Dec. 19 – A holiday home was damaged in a bomb explosion in Sagone, in the Corse-du-Sud department. No one was hurt in the blast. [F3 & Fig]
  53. Dec. 25 – Assailants carried out an arson attack against a prison in the city of Tarbes, in the Hautes-Pyrénées department. The GADI asserted responsibility for the incident. [Dep]
  54. Dec. 27 – Attackers set fire to an army recruitment office in the Tarbes, in the Hautes-Pyrénées department, causing only minor damage. The attack was claimed by the GADI. [Dep]

Actu: Actu France (France), AFP: Agence France Presse (France), AP: Associated Press (America), BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation (Britain), BP: Bien Public (France), CM: Corse Matin (France), CNN: Cable News Network (America), CPic: Courrier Picard (France), Dau: Dauphine (France), Dep: Dépêche du Midi (France), DL: Dauphiné Libéré (France), DNA: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace (France), E1: Europe 1 (France), ER: Est-Républicain (France), F3: France 3 (France), FB: France Blue (France), FI: France Info (France), GVd’O: Gazette Val d’Oise (France), Hrtz: Haaretz (Israel), JDD: Journal du Dimanche (France), LC: Lyon Capitale (France), Met: Metro News (France), ML: Midi Libre (France), Mon: Monde (France), NM: Nice Matin (France), NR: Nouvelle République (France), OF: Ouest France (France), Par: Parisien (France), Pop: Populaire (France), Prog: Progrès (France), Prov: Province (France), Rép: République (France), RL: Républicain Lorrain (France), Tél: Télégramme (France), TO: Tendance Ouest (France), Union: Union (France), FTV: France Télévisions (France), RL: Républicain Lorrain (France), ToI: Times of Israel (Israel), TL: Tarn Libre (France), VdN: Voix du Nord (France), VM: Var-Matin (France), VoM: Vosges-Matin (France)