• Local Name: None
  • Transliteration: N/a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2014 – 2014 (Defeated)
  • Conflicts: Islamist Militancy in France, Syrian Civil War

The Boukhouch and Lamrini Group [BLG] was a small informal jihad entity based in the French city of Strasbourg. It was comprised of about a dozen elements under the leadership of Farid Boukhouch.1 Through Youssef Lamrini, the group was linked to Lakhdar Sebouai, an attack coordinator for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [DaIISh; Dawlat al-Islamiya fi-Iraq wal ash-Sham].2 He also helped two women with traveling to Syria.3

The BLG apparently formed somewhere in 2014 when Boukhouch began recruiting Islamist youths at local mosques in the Alsatian capital city.4 He provided his companions with fitness training and martial arts practice in preparation for joining the DaIISh in Syria.5 They brazenly practiced in public at Strasbourg city parks. On Oct. 13, 2014, police intervened when about half a dozen BLG members were training in hand-to-hand combat and knife use at a park in Cronenbourg.6 The extremists resisted the police and threatened officers. Boukhouch was apprehended. Authorities initiated terrorism investigations into the entity on the following day.7

Following Boukhouch’s arrest, Lamrini briefly took over the BLG until he too was stopped by French authorities.8 Investigators later found that associates under the leadership of Thierry Valorus had been organizing similar training sessions in Paris.9 The main operatives of the BLG were brought to trial and were sentenced to prison on Apr. 21, 2017.10 Some of the condemned were given longer prison terms on appeal in May 2018.11
