• Full name: Philippe Khalfine
  • Pseudonym: N/a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Location: Ukraine or Russia, France
  • Affiliation: Continental Unit [UC]

Philippe Khalfine (°1992) is a little-known Russophile agitator from the Var department in southern France. In March 2015, the former ventilation systems technician traveled to eastern Ukraine and linked up with the Russian separatist People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic [NMDNR; Narodnaya Militziya DNR].1 He was reportedly active on the frontlines at Yasynuvata, near Donetsk.2 Despite his alleged leftist background, Khalfine reportedly ended up with the Continental Unit [UC; Unité Continentale].3 In early 2018, he apparently became the new chief of the UC following its reconstitution.4 At the end of the year, Khalfine was succeed by Serbian fighter Darko Pavlovic.5

Khalfine went on to become a propagandist for the Russian cause. In recent years, he has worked for pro-Russian websites that are hostile to the West such as Agoravox and News Front.6 Khalfine has also made appearances and given interviews to other likeminded media outlets. He reportedly cooperates with French Russophile propaganda operative Christelle Néant.
