• Full name: Erwan Guillard
  • Pseudonym: Abu Qatada
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Location: France, fmr Syria
  • Affiliation: fmr Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [DaIISh], fmr Support Front for the People of the Levant [JaNS]

Erwan Guillard (°ca 1988) is a Breton Islamist militant from the town of Redon. In his youth, he hung out with Muslim friends of immigrant descent and worked at a halal slaughterhouse after dropping out of school.1 In 2009, Guillard joined the army and received training as a parachutist.2 He quit the army after six months.3 Guillard converted to Islam on Dec. 25, 2009.4 In the following years, he became more fervent in his religious beliefs. In 2012, Guillard made an attempt to go to Syria by car but returned before reaching the county.5

In August 2013, Guillard went to Syria to join the Support Front for the People of the Levant [JaNS; Jabhat al-Nusra li-Ahli al-Sham]. He later linked up with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [DaIISh; Dawlat al-Islamiya fi-Iraq wal ash-Sham].6 Guillard participated in several operations for the jihadi organization before he got injured.7 In April 2014, Guillard appeared in a video distributed by DaIISh supporters in which he called upon French Muslims to come fight in Syria.8 Guillard returned to France in June 2014 and surrendered to the police in his hometown.9 On Mar. 22, 2018, a Parisian court sentenced him to twelve years in prison for his participation in a terrorist organization.10 His prison term was reduced by a year by an appeals court in November 2019.11
