• Local Name: N/a
  • Transliteration: N/a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2011 – 2011 (Disbanded)
  • Conflicts: Anarchist Militancy in Finland

The Pasila and Rekola Group [PRG] was an anonymous and shadowy outfit that was made up of about a dozen anarchists from Helsinki.1 Although the group was only responsible for a few minor attacks, its actions received considerable attention because Islamists celebrated the acts after mistakenly assuming jihadis were responsible which in turn drew consideration by the international press.2

The PRG reportedly emerged in the spring of 2011 when members torched trash bins in a series of incidents across Helsinki. On Jun. 03, 2011 operatives planted a bomb outside the office of a security company in the Pasila neighborhood.3 The device did not explode. The following night, the PRG firebombed a fuel station in the Finnish capital’s Tapaninvainio suburb.4 The actions were subsequently claimed by the militants in a statement posted on an anarchist website.5 On Jun. 12, 2011, PRG operatives burnt the shed of a railway safety system in Vantaa’s Rekola neighborhood.6 The outfit asserted responsibility for the incident in an internet message the next day.7

In early August 2011, police arrested six people in connection with the Rekola incident. All were released shortly afterwards.8 Despite having identified several suspects, the authorities were unable to roll up the PRG.9 The outfit disbanded following the June 2011 incidents.
