The DaIWS issued a communiqué claiming responsibility for the attack described below. It also released pictures of the attack and the suicide bomber involved in the incident.

  • Jan. 09, 2017 – A suicide terrorist detonated his explosives-laden garbage truck at a checkpoint outside a police station in the city of Arish, in the North Sinai governorate. A group of twenty militants subsequently fired rocket-propelled grenades and sprayed gunfire at the stricken position. Seven policemen and a civilian were killed in the attack. At least 22 other people, including eleven officers, were hurt in the incident. Five assailants were eliminated in retaliatory fire. [AFP, Ahr, AP, Baw, EI & DNE]

The DaIWS distributed pictures on social media showing it was responsible for the following incident:

  • Feb. 10, 2017 – Cadres of the DaIWS captured and subsequently executed five security informers in the North Sinai governorate. [AFP & Bal]

In a message published on social media and the internet, the DaIWS claimed responsibility for the following attack:

  • Mar. 08, 2017 – A roadside bomb exploded as a police convoy passed by in Arish, in the North Sinai governorate. A police colonel was killed and three officers were injured in the blast. [Ahr, Bal, Baw, DNE & MS]

The DaIWS issued a statement in which it asserted responsibility for the following incident:

  • Mar. 09, 2017 – Two policemen were killed and four colleagues were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded during an attempt to dismantle it in the city of Arish, in the North Sinai governorate. [Ahr, AP, Bal, DNE & EI]