• Local Name: جند الشريعة
  • Transliteration: Jund al-Shari’a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2012 – 2012 (Folded)
  • Conflicts: Sinai Islamist Insurgency

The Soldiers of Shari’a [JaSh; Jund al-Shari’a] was a small jihadi entity that briefly operated in Egypt’s North Sinai governorate. The group announced its formation on Aug. 01, 2012 and advocated for the establishment of Islamic rule in the country.1 The JaSh stated that this objective could only be achieved through jihad and it began gathering fighters.2 Several militants who joined the JaSh were veterans of other jihadi conflicts.3 The group became defunct shortly afterwards and never operationally matured.
