• Local Name: N/a
  • Transliteration: N/a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Status: 2002 – 2003 (Defeated)
  • Conflicts: Islamist Militancy in Belgium

The Gouram, Moumen and Tarik Module [GMTM] was an informal jihadi outfit based in the Laken suburb of Brussels in the early 2000s. It formed around Abdelhakim Gouram. Other senior members of the cell were Youssef el-Moumen and Karim Tarik.1 The group had up to a dozen members, including two brothers of Moumen.2 Its members were reportedly deeply involved in the drugs trade.3 The GMTM was in contact with senior Belgian-based al-Qa’ida operatives, including Tarek Maâroufi, Mohammed Saber and Driss el-Attaleh.4

GMTM members acquired explosives and weapons. They allegedly planned to attack a high-rise office building in Brussels.5 As the Belgian authorities cracked down on al-Qa’ida operations in the country following the Sep. 11, 2001 attacks, several GMTM cadres came under investigation.6 In February 2003, police raided houses and businesses affiliated with the cell. Security forces arrested several members of the GMTM and seized firearms, grenades and drugs.7 Traces of explosives were also detected at one of the premises.8 On Mar. 22, 2003, weapons were again discovered during a raid on the home of another GMTM associate.9 In the weeks after the operations, most of those arrested were released.10

In October 2004, a court sentenced six GMTM operatives to prison and acquitted another one.11 Moumen and Tarik were both given a five-year prison term. Judges only found the defendants guilty of weapons infractions.12 In May 2005, Moumen and Tarik had their sentences reduced to 54 months.13
