Total casualties

1 fatality

38 injuries

Total incidents

Attacks in Prague
(share of incidents)


Overview of incidents

  1. Mar. 13, 2011 – A Roma man was injured in an assault by a group of national-socialist thugs following a protest staged by supporters of the Nazi DSSS party in Nový Bydžov, in the Hradec Králové region. [ERRC & MVCR]
  2. Jun. 03, 2011 – A youth from Mongolia was injured in an assault by an ultranationalist thug at a gaming hall in the town of Blansko, in the Jižní Morava region. [MVCR]
  3. Jul. 11, 2011 – A group of national-socialist thugs threw a firebomb at the home of a Romani family in Býchory, in Střední Čechy. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [ERRC, MVCR, PDM, Rom & RPr]
  4. Jul. 19, 2011 – Two Czech men were injured in an assault by Roma racist thugs outside a grocery shop in Vyškov, in the Jižní Morava region. [MVCR]
  5. Jul. 30, 2011 – Two national-socialist thugs assaulted and injured a Roma man after dragging him from his house in Nýrsko, in the Plzeň region. [ERRC & Rom]
  6. Aug. 09, 2011 – Attackers tossed a firebomb at the house of a Roma family in the village of Krty, in Střední Čechy. One person was injured in the incident. [MVCR & Rom]
  7. Aug. 26, 2011 – A Roma man was injured when ultranationalist thugs beat him with a baseball bat in Rumburk, in the Ústí-nad-Labem region. The attack took place a day after an altercation between Roma and Czechs in the town. [ERRC & Rom]
  8. Oct. 28, 2011 – A group of Roma racist thugs assaulted local Czech youths on a street in the town of Novŷ Bor, in the Liberec region. One of the victims was injured in the incident. [MVCR]
  9. Nov. 05, 2011 – Two Sudanese nationals sustained injuries in an assault by ultranationalist thugs on a street in the city of Ústí-nad-Labem. [MVCR]
  10. Dec. 31, 2011 – A Roma woman was beaten, kicked and stabbed to death by three national-socialists at a park in the Jarov district of Praha. [ERRC, MVCR & Rom]
  11. Jan. 20, 2012 – A Cuban national was wounded in an assault by two national-socialist thugs at a bar in the city of Brno, in the Jižní Morava region. [Rom]
  12. Jan. 23, 2012 – National-socialist thugs assaulted a Roma man aboard a tram in the city of Praha. The victim was hurt in the incident. [Rom]
  13. Feb. 26, 2012 – Two national-socialists hurled incendiary bombs at an apartment building housing Romanies in the town of Aŝ, in the Karlovy Vary region. No one was hurt in the incident. [ERRC, MVCR & Rom]
  14. May 31, 2012 – Unidentified attackers set fire to an apartment building housing Roma families in the village of Smržovka, in the Liberec region, causing only damage. [ERRC & Rom]
  15. Jun. 27, 2012 – Ultranationalist thugs assaulted several Romanies on a street in the town of Slaný, in the Střední Čechy region. One of the victims sustained injuries in the incident. [MVCR]
  16. Jan. 19, 2014 – A parked police car was firebombed by unknown attackers in the town of Litvínov, in the Ústi-nad-Labem region. [Lid]
  17. Feb. 13, 2014 – Suspected anarchist thugs hurled a firebomb at a police station in the city of Praha. No one was hurt in the incident. [Lid]
  18. May 08, 2014 – A toll booth was destroyed in an arson attack by cadres of the SRB near Kroměříž, in the Zlín region. The action was claimed by the SRB. [Lid & MVCR]
  19. May 24, 2014 – Assailants set fire to the entrance of a shop selling CCTV equipment in Praha, causing only minor damage. The SRB was suspected in the incident. [Lid & MVCR]
  20. Aug. 30, 2014 – Attackers set fire to a parked police vehicle in the city of Ústí-nad-Labem. The SRB claimed responsibility for the incident. [Ble, Den, Lid & MVCR]
  21. Dec. 14, 2014 – A police car was firebombed by assailants in the city of Praha. The ASA claimed responsibility for the attack. [MVCR]
  22. Mar. 15, 2015 – Attackers set fire to a vehicle parked outside a restaurant locked in a wage dispute with former staff in Praha. The SRB asserted responsibility for the incident. [Lid]
  23. Mar. 29, 2015 – Two parked cars were burnt by assailants outside a restaurant in the city of Praha. The attack was claimed by the SRB. [Lid]
  24. May 14, 2015 – Attackers set fire to a vehicle belonging to a restaurant chain locked in a wage dispute with workers in Praha. The SRB assumed responsibility for the incident. [Lid & MVCR]
  25. May 15, 2015 – Militants set fire to a police vehicle in the city of Praha. The SRB claimed responsibility for the attack. [MVCR]
  26. Jun. 07, 2015 – Assailants hurled homemade firebombs at the residence of the Czech minister of defense in the Suchdol neighborhood of Praha. [AP, Reut, RPr]
  27. Jun. 26, 2015 – A vehicle of a restaurant chain involved in a wage dispute with some of its workers was set alight by assailants in Praha. The attack was claimed by the SRB. [MVCR]
  28. Jun. 28, 2015 – Two police vehicles were set alight by militants in the city of Most, in the Ústí-nad-Labem region. The SRB claimed responsibility for the attack. [Ble, CTK, MVCR & PDM]
  29. Jul. 01, 2015 – Militants set fire to a parked police vehicle in the city center of Praha. The attack was claimed by the SRB. [Ble, CTK, MVCR & PDM]
  30. Jul. 04, 2015 – Attackers set fire to a police vehicle stationed outside a subway station in the city of Praha. The SRB claimed responsibility for the attack. [Ble, CTK, MVCR & PDM]
  31. Jan. 30, 2016 – A Syrian man was seriously wounded in a knife attack by ultranationalist thugs in the Vršovice district of Praha. [RPr]
  32. Feb. 06, 2016 – Approximately twenty national-socialist thugs hurled firebombs at a center that assists immigrants in the Žižkov district of Praha. [CTK, PDM & RPr]
  33. Feb. 14, 2016 – Attackers set fire to two police cars parked outside a station in the city of Praha. The SRB claimed responsibility for the incident. [E24, Exp & RPr]
  34. Jun. 01, 2017 – Ten passengers were wounded when a train crashed in a deliberately felled tree on a railroad near Bakov-nad-Jizerou, in the Střední Čechy region. The attacker was an ultranationalist who carried out the action as a false flag operation to blame Islamists. [Akt, ČR, ČT24, MVCR & Nov]
  35. Jul. 28, 2017 – An ultranationalist felled a tree to cause a train crash near Bělá-pod-Bezdězem, in the Střední Čechy region. Nine commuters were hurt in the incident. The attack was a failed false flag operation to blame Muslims. [Akt, ČR, ČT24, MVCR & Nov]
  36. Nov. 04, 2017 – A man of West African descent was assaulted and injured by ultranationalist thugs aboard a tram in the city of Praha. [CTK, PDM & Rom]
  37. Jul. 27, 2018 – Ultranationalist thugs assaulted and injured three Indians citizens in the town of Písek, in the Jižní Čechy region. [CTK & Nov]
  38. Apr. 21, 2019 – Member of parliament for the liberal TOP09 party Dominik Feri was slightly hurt in an assault by two assailants at a wine festival in Boršice, in the Zlín region. [Akt, ČR & Rom]
  39. May 25, 2019 – Two attackers assaulted and slightly injured a local leader of the nationalist SPD party aboard a subway train in Praha. [Akt, E24 & Rom]

Akt: Aktuálně (CZ), AP: Associated Press (US), Ble: Blesk (CZ), ČT24: Česká Televize 24 (CZ), ČR: Český Rozhlas (CZ), CTK: Czech News Agency (CZ), Den: Deník (CZ), E24: Echo 24 (CZ), Exp: Expres (CZ), Lid: Lidovky (CZ), MVCR: Ministry of Interior Security (CZ), Nov: Novinky (CZ), PDM: Prague Daily Monitor (CZ), PrP: Prague Post (CZ), Reut: Reuters (UK), Rom: Romea (CZ), RPr: Radio Prague (CZ), TNA: Trend News Agency (CZ)