• Full name: Tawfiq Muslim Rashid al-Atrash
  • Pseudonym: N/a
  • Alternatives: N/a
  • Location: Sinai
  • Affiliation: Islamic State’s Province of Sinai [DaIWS]

Rashid al-Atrash is a little-known jihadi from the Sawarka Bedouin tribe and a senior commander of the Islamic State’s Province of Sinai [DaIWS; Dawlat al-Islamiya Wilayat Sina’a]. He heads a section of the group’s fighters south of Sheikh Zuweid.1 Atrash is known for having launched numerous mortar attacks against the Egyptian security forces in the area.2 Before he joined the jihadis, Atrash was deeply involved in the illegal arms trade between the Sinai and the Gaza Strip.3
