Total casualties

6 fatalities

39 injuries

Total incidents

Corsican Militancy
(share of incidents)


Militant violence trending
insignificant variations


Breakdown by conflict

Geographic breakdown

  • 1 – Seine-St.-Denis (16 incids)
  • 2 – Essonne (13 incids)
  • 3 – Paris (11 incids)

Overview of incidents

  1. Jan. 17 – A bomb exploded outside a hostel in the town of Aleria, in the Haute-Corse department, causing only damage. [F3]
  2. Jan. 20 – An officer was wounded when thugs hurled rocks at a police vehicle in the Corbeil suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. [OF]
  3. Jan. 24 – Thugs set fire to a stolen car next to a communal sports hall in the Mistral suburb of Grenoble, in the Isère department, sparking a large fire and causing considerable damage. [F3]
  4. Jan. 25 – Four officers were injured when thugs hurled a brick at a police car in the Parisian suburb of Corbeil, in the Essonne department. [BFMTV & Fig]
  5. Jan. 26 – A group of more than ten thugs set fire to a parked police car outside a station in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in the Yvelines department. [BFMTV]
  6. Jan. 27 – Thugs hurled two firebombs at a passing police vehicle in the Parisian suburb of Corbeil, in the Essonne department. [Par]
  7. Jan. 31 – Unknown attackers set fire to an office of the social-democratic PS party in the Ulis suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department, causing only damage. [FB, Mon & Par]
  8. Feb. 03 – A soldier was injured when an Egyptian jihadi attacked him with a machete at the entrance of a museum in the city center of Paris. [AFP, BBC, BFMTV, CNN & F3]
  9. Feb. 05 – Bands of thugs set fire to at least ten parked vehicles and torched two restaurants in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Fig]
  10. Feb. 05 – A group of about ten thugs set fire to a parked car and subsequently hurled rocks at firefighters who arrived at the scene in Villiers-sur-Marne, in the Val-de-Marne department. [Par]
  11. Feb. 06 – About ten cars were set on fire by bands of thugs in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [20M, AFP & BFMTV]
  12. Feb. 07 – Thugs hurled firebombs at a police station, a school and an apartment building in the Tremblay-en-France suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [BFMTV, Fig & Par]
  13. Feb. 07 – A driver was lightly injured when thugs hurled an incendiary bomb at a bus in the Parisian suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Fig]
  14. Feb. 10 – A group of thugs set fire to three parked cars in the town of Melun, in the Seine-et-Marne department. [Par]
  15. Feb. 10 – Two parked cars were set alight by thugs in the Blanc-Mesnil suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Par]
  16. Feb. 11 – Thugs set fire to several parked cars and a vehicle of a television news crew in the Parisian suburb of Bobigny, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Fig]
  17. Feb. 12 – A driver was wounded when thugs pelted a bus with stones in the Argenteuil suburb of Paris, in the Val-d’Oise department. [Par]
  18. Feb. 12 – A group of thugs hurled five homemade firebombs and stones at policemen responding to a fake distress call in Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines department. One officer was slightly injured in the attack. [Par]
  19. Feb. 12 – Four cars were set alight by bands of thugs in Limay, Mureaux and Viroflay, in the Yvelines department. Nobody was hurt in the incidents. [Fig & Par]
  20. Feb. 12 – Approximately twenty thugs hurled firebombs and threw rocks at a police station in the Ulis suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. [Fig & Par]
  21. Feb. 12 – A local government office was firebombed and vandalized by thugs in the town of Torcy, in the Seine-et-Marne department. [Par]
  22. Feb. 13 – The car of a policeman was set on fire by unknown attackers outside his home in Sainte-Geneviève, in the department of Oise. [Exp & Fig]
  23. Feb. 14 – A small bomb exploded outside a real estate agency in Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing only damage. [Fig]
  24. Feb. 14 – Bands of thugs set fire to three parked cars and burnt street furniture across the Yvelines department. [Par]
  25. Feb. 15 – Thugs set fire to a parked car and subsequently hurled homemade incendiary bombs and stones at firemen as they arrived at the scene in the Parisian suburb of Houilles, in the Yvelines department. [Par]
  26. Feb. 15 – The two cars of a police couple were set alight by unidentified assailants near Compiègne, in the Oise department. [Exp & Fig]
  27. Feb. 15 – At least seventeen parked cars were set on fire by thugs at different locations in the Yvelines department. [Par]
  28. Feb. 15 – Unknown attackers set fire to the car of a police officer outside his home in the city of Soissons, in the Aisne department. [Exp & Fig]
  29. Feb. 17 – Eleven parked cars were set on fire by thugs on a square in the town of Creil, in the Oise department. [Par]
  30. Feb. 17 – Attackers hurled two firebombs at a police station in the city of Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department. The incident took place after a small protest by Corsican nationalists. [BFMTV & F3]
  31. Feb. 17 – Assailants hurled firebombs and stones at firemen responding to a fake distress call in the Parisian suburb of Savigny-sur-Orge, in the Essonne department. No one was hurt in the incident. [Par]
  32. Feb. 19 – Four parked cars were set alight by thugs in the town of Pontoise, in the Val-d’Oise department. No further information was available. [GVd’O]
  33. Feb. 19 – A band of about twenty thugs hurled two firebombs and threw rocks at a police vehicle in Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines department. [Par]
  34. Feb. 21 – Two policemen were lightly injured in an assault by about fifteen thugs outside a railway station in the Parisian suburb of Savigny-sur-Orge, in the Essonne department. [20M, Dep, Fig & Par]
  35. Feb. 22 – Thugs set fire to twelve parked cars in the Sapins suburb of Rouen, in the Seine-Maritime department. No casualties were reported in the incident. [F3]
  36. Mar. 10 – Assailants hurled at least seven homemade firebombs at vehicles parked outside a police station in Ajaccio, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing only damage. [F3 & Fig]
  37. Mar. 11 – Three parked cars were set alight in the Rillieux-la-Pape suburb of Lyon. The incident occurred on a night of disturbances. [20M]
  38. Mar. 16 – A secretary was injured when a letter bomb exploded at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund in Paris. The SPF claimed responsibility for the attack. [Mon]
  39. Mar. 17 – A Salafi Muslim extremist stabbed and killed his father and his brother at their apartment in the city center of Paris. The victims opposed their relative’s radicalization. [Fig]
  40. Mar. 18 – An Islamist terrorist shot and injured a policewoman after she had stopped his car in the Parisian suburb of Garges-lès-Gonesse, in the Val-d’Oise department. [AFP]
  41. Mar. 18 – Unknown assailants hurled a firebomb into an office of the nationalist FN party in the town of Alençon, in the Orne department, causing only damage. [AFP]
  42. Mar. 18 – An Islamist militant assaulted a female soldier at a domestic airport terminal in Orly, in the Val-de-Marne department. The attacker was shot dead in retaliatory gunfire by other troops. [AFP, AP, BBC, BFMTV & F3]
  43. Mar. 20 – Six attackers set fire to parked garbage trucks at a recycling center in the Parisian suburb of Wissous, in the Essonne department. Dozens of trucks were destroyed or damaged in the attack. [OF]
  44. Mar. 22 – Assailants hurled approximately 25 incendiary bombs at the local government headquarters in the town of Corte, in the Haute-Corse department. [20M, BFMTV, Dep, F3 & Fig]
  45. Mar. 22 – A gay man was injured when several thugs assaulted him outside his home in the Parisian suburb of Noisy-le-Grand, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Par]
  46. Mar. 22 – A leader of the Freemasons was injured when a thug assaulted him with a hammer on a street in the city center of Paris. The man was attacked after the assailant confused him for a Jew. [CFCA & Par]
  47. Mar. 24 – A group of thugs hurled two firebombs at a police station in the Parisian suburb of Boissy-Saint-Léger, in the Val-de-Marne department. [Par]
  48. Mar. 25 – Motorcycle-borne thugs fired shots at police who arrived at the site following a distress call in Saint-Ouen, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Par]
  49. Apr. 01 – Thugs set fire to thirteen parked vehicles in the town of Alençon, in the Orne department. The incidents occurred on the sides of a riot by dozens of youths. [LCI, OF & Par]
  50. Apr. 04 – A Muslim attacker brutally beat a Jewish woman during an invasion of her apartment in the city center of Paris. The victim died after the assailant defenestrated her. [A7, AFP, CFCA, Fig, Par, ToI]
  51. Apr. 05 – A small bomb went off outside an office of an electricity company in the town of Bastia, in the Haute-Corse department. [F3 & Fig]
  52. Apr. 12 – Attackers hurled firebombs at the campaign headquarters of the nationalist FN party in the city center of Paris. The KLX claimed responsibility for the incident. [F24 & Fig]
  53. Apr. 17 – A bank was damaged in a bomb explosion in the town of Corte, in the Haute-Corse department. No one was hurt in the blast. [F3 & Fig]
  54. Apr. 20 – A terrorist opened fire at a police van stationed outside a Turkish cultural center on a commercial boulevard in the city center of Paris, killing one officer. Another policeman and a civilian were injured in the incident. The assailant was shot dead by other police forces. The DaIISh asserted responsibility for the shooting. [AP, BBC, BFMTV, CNN, F3 & Reut]
  55. Apr. 22 – A bomb exploded in front of the offices of a welfare agency in southern Bastia, in the Haute-Corse department, causing only damage. [F3]
  56. Apr. 25 – Unknown attackers hurled homemade firebombs at an office of the nationalist FN party in the town of Orvault, in the Loire-Atlantique department. [20M, AFP, F3, Fig & OF]
  57. May 01 – Corsican nationalist militants hurled a homemade firebomb at a bank in the town of Corte, in the Haute-Corse department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [F3 & Fig]
  58. May 02 – An incendiary bomb exploded outside a bank in the village of Biguglia, in the Haute-Corse department, causing only damage. [F3 & Fig]
  59. May 03 – A real estate agency was slightly damaged in an incendiary bomb blast in the village of Furiani, in the Haute-Corse department. [F3 & Fig]
  60. May 06 – A band of thugs hurled a firebombs and threw rocks at policemen in the Parisian suburb of Massy, in the Essonne department. The violence occurred following the death of a man in a police chase. [20M & Dep]
  61. May 20 – Several parked vehicles were set alight by thugs following confrontations between immigrant youths and police forces in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the Seine-Sainte-Denis department. [BFMTV & Fig]
  62. May 25 – Thugs set fire to a parked car and subsequently hurled rocks at policemen as they arrived at the scene in Melun, in the Seine-et-Marne department. Two officers were slightly injured in the incident. [Par]
  63. May 30 – Attackers set fire to eleven vans belonging to the Enedis utility company in the city of Grenoble, in the Isère department. Anarchist militants asserted responsibility for the attack. [20M, Dau, F3 & FB]
  64. May 31 – On two separate occasions, unidentified assailants hurled firebombs at a police station in the Parisian suburb of Vitry-sur-Seine, in the Val-de-Marne department. [Par]
  65. Jun. 02 – Two buses and six cars were set on fire by thugs belonging to the gypsy community in the Trespoey suburb of Pau, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department. [FB & Par]
  66. Jun. 05 – Thugs set fire to three vehicles on the municipal technical service and three cars in the Fontbarlettes neighborhood of Valance, in the Drôme department. At least two buildings were damaged by the fires. [Dau, F3 & FB]
  67. Jun. 06 – An Islamist militant who had pledged loyalty to the DaIISh attacked a policewoman with a hammer outside a cathedral in the city center of Paris, injuring the officer. [BFMTV & F3]
  68. Jun. 08 – Vehicles belonging to an electric utility company were set alight by attackers at its compound in Crest, in the Drôme department. The KICK claimed responsibility for the attack. [20M & FB]
  69. Jun. 11 – A mobile phone tower was badly damaged in an arson attack by militants in Piégros-la-Clastre, in the Drôme department. The EadA asserted responsibility for the incident. [20M]
  70. Jun. 18 – Assailants set fire to two vehicles belonging to the municipality in Gailac, in the department of Tarn. Anarchists claimed responsibility for the incident. [Dep]
  71. Jun. 19 – An Islamist militant deliberately crashed his car into a police van on a main avenue in the city center of Paris. No policemen were hurt in the incident. The assailant was shot dead in retaliatory gunfire. [AFP, BBC, F24 & Reut]
  72. Jun. 24 – Unidentified assailants set fire to trash cans outside a synagogue in the Épinay-sur-Seine suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, causing limited damage. [CFCA]
  73. Jun. 27 – An officer was injured when a group of thugs hurled stones at policemen who responded to a distress call in the Émerainville, in the Seine-et-Marne department. [Par]
  74. Jul. 04 – A bomb exploded at a surveyor’s office in the town of Prunelli-di-Fium’Orbu, in the Haute-Corse department, causing only minor damage. [F3]
  75. Jul. 12 – Thugs set fire to two trash bins and subsequently launched homemade incendiary bombs and fireworks at police as they arrived at the scene in Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines department. Nobody was hurt in the attack. [Par]
  76. Jul. 14 – About fifty thugs hurled rocks at policemen riding their motorcycles in Sevran, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. One of the policemen was badly beaten by the assailants after he got isolated from his colleagues. Three police officers were hurt in the incident. [OF & Par]
  77. Jul. 16 – Attackers threw a firebomb at the offices of an urban renewal project in the Romainville suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [Par]
  78. Jul. 17 – Two officers were slightly injured when a band of about fifteen thugs hurled stones at a police unit conducting an anti-narcotics operations in Cergy, in the Val-d’Oise department. [Par]
  79. Jul. 17 – A mobile phone tower was damaged in an arson attack in Saint-Laurent-sous-Coiron, in the Ardèche department. The IS asserted responsibility for the incident. [20M & FB]
  80. Jul. 19 – Thugs hurled a homemade firebomb at a passing police vehicle in the Bitola suburb of Épinal, in the Vosges department. No one was hurt in the incident. [VoM]
  81. Jul. 31 – Six parked vehicles were destroyed and more than a dozen others were damaged in arson attacks by thugs in the Blosne suburb of Rennes, in the Ille-et-Vilaine department. The assailants hurled two firebombs at firemen attending to the blazes. The incidents occurred after police shot and killed a criminal who tried to hit them with his car. [FB]
  82. Aug. 04 – Attackers set fire to four parked police vehicles at the parking lot of the local authorities in the Saint-Denis suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [20M & Par]
  83. Aug. 04 – A group of thugs firebombed two parked trucks in the Blosne suburb of Rennes, in the Ille-et-Vilaine department. Both vehicles were destroyed in the incident. [OF]
  84. Aug. 06 – Two parked cars were set on fire by thugs in the Poterie suburb of Rennes, in the Ille-et-Vilaine department. [OF]
  85. Aug. 09 – An Islamist terrorist purposely rammed French soldiers with his car in the Parisian suburb of Levallois-Perret, in the Hauts-de-Seine department. Six soldiers were wounded in the incident. [AP, Fig & Reut]
  86. Aug. 19 – Thugs set fire to seventeen parked vehicles in the Blosne suburb of Rennes, in the Ille-et-Vilaine department. [20M, F3 & OF]
  87. Aug. 21 – Unidentified thugs set fire to four cars parked outside a residential compound for prison guards in the Villepinte suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [BFMTV & F3]
  88. Aug. 23 – Five parked vehicles were set alight by thugs in the Blosne suburb of Rennes, in the Ille-et-Vilaine department. [20M & OF]
  89. Aug. 25 – A group of thugs set fire to five parked vehicles in the town of Lunel, in the Hérault department. [ML]
  90. Aug. 25 – Assailants hurled rocks at passing police vehicles and set fire to two parked cars in Loriol-sur-Drôme, in the Drôme department. [Dau]
  91. Aug. 30 – Five parked cars were set on fire by a group of thugs in the town of Lunel, in the Hérault department. [ML]
  92. Sep. 18 – Thugs set fire to street furniture and subsequently hurled firebombs and stones at policemen and fire crews who arrived at the scene in the Vigneux-sur-Seine suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [Par]
  93. Sep. 19 – Five police vehicles were set alight by attackers outside a police station in the city of Limoges, in the Haute-Vienne department. The RAGE claimed responsibility for the incident. [20M & Par]
  94. Sep. 21 – Anarchists set fire to the hangar of a police station in the city of Grenoble, in the Isère department. A forensics laboratory and dozens of police vehicles were destroyed in the incident. The Nocturnals asserted responsibility for the incident. [Exp, F3, Lib & Par]
  95. Sep. 24 – A band of thugs burnt the library of a school and set fire to six parked vehicles in the Aulnay-sous-Bois suburb of Paris, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. [AFP, BFMTV, Fig & Par]
  96. Sep. 27 – An officer was slightly hurt when thugs hurled rocks at policemen from the rooftops of a high-rise residential complex in the Grigny suburb of Paris, in the Essonne department. [Par]
  97. Oct. 01 – A Tunisian jihadi stabbed and killed two women at a subway station in the city of Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department. The DaIISh asserted responsibility for the attack. The terrorist was subsequently shot to death by soldiers. [AFP, BBC, LCI & Reut]
  98. Oct. 01 – Nine vehicles were destroyed in an arson attack by thugs on an electric car sharing station in Aulnay-sous-Bois, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. Street furniture was also set alight by the assailants. [Par]
  99. Oct. 06 – A group of about twenty thugs hurled firebombs and stones at a fire truck in the city of Nîmes, in the Gard department. [20M & FB]
  100. Oct. 07 – Left-wing extremist thugs assaulted and lightly injured a member of parliament for the nationalist FN party in Béthune, in the Pas-de-Calais department. [Mon]
  101. Oct. 12 – Anarchist elements set fire three parked cars near the venue of a human resources congress in the XVI arrondissement of Paris. The assailants assumed that the targeted vehicles belonged to corporate executives. [AFP, BFMTV & Par]
  102. Oct. 13 – Assailants hurled a homemade firebomb at a police station in the Mosson suburb of Montpellier, in the Hérault department. [FB]
  103. Oct. 22 – A police station was damaged in an arson attack by unknown assailants in the Mosson suburb of Montpellier, in the Hérault department. [20M & FB]
  104. Oct. 24 – Attackers set fire to 21 vehicles belonging to the Enedis electric utility company at one of its compounds in Limoges, in the Haute-Vienne department. The DECCLIN asserted responsibility for the incident. [20M & Pop]
  105. Oct. 25 – Two officers were hurt when a group of thugs hurled stones at policemen who had stopped a man on a scooter in the Cantepau suburb of Albi, in the Tarn department. [F3]
  106. Oct. 26 – Attackers set fire to four officers’ vehicles outside a police station in the town of Meylan, in the Isère department. Anarchists were suspected in the incident. [20M, AFP, FB & Fig]
  107. Nov. 03 – The entrance of the house of a Jewish family was set on fire by a thug in the Créteil suburb of Paris, in the Val-de-Marne department, causing only minor damage. [CFFCA]
  108. Nov. 05 – Thugs set fire to several trash bins and later hurled an incendiary bomb at firemen as they arrived at the scene in Toulouse, in the Haute-Garonne department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [Dep]
  109. Nov. 13 – Unknown elements set fire to twelve trucks parked outside a slaughterhouse in the town of Sisteron, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department. [Prov]
  110. Nov. 13 – A policeman was wounded when a group of thugs hurled rocks at officers as they were checking the identity of several youths in Corbeil, in the Essonne department. [Par]
  111. Nov. 16 – Three police cars were set alight by thugs outside a police station in the Parisian suburb of Antony, in the Hauts-de-Seine department. [Par]
  112. Nov. 16 – A small bomb exploded outside the residence of the local leader of the conservative LR party in Pietrosella, in the department of Corse-du-Sud. [20M, CM & F3]
  113. Nov. 17 – A group of approximately thirty thugs hurled firebombs and stones at policemen responding to a burglary in the Planoise suburb of Besançon, in the Doubs department. Nobody was hurt in the incident. [ER]
  114. Nov. 20 – Attackers torched a science center in the city of Grenoble, in the Isère department, causing considerable damage. Anarchists claimed responsibility for the incident. [20M]
  115. Nov. 21 – Thugs crashed a stolen car into the entrance of a high school in the city of Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, before setting fire to the vehicle and sparking major damage to the building. [Prov]
  116. Nov. 22 – At least four parked cars were set alight by thugs in the Isle suburb of Vienne, in the Isère department. The violence occurred after a youth was hit by a train and killed as he fled from police. [Dau & FB]
  117. Nov. 22 – One officer was injured when thugs assaulted and stoned policemen after they had stopped a motorcycle rider for an inspection in the XIV arrondissement of Paris. [Par]
  118. Nov. 23 – Thugs set fire to a local government office and two parked cars in the town of Vienne and its Pont-Evêque suburb, in the Isère department. [FB]
  119. Dec. 09 – A group of thugs set fire to a trash bin in the Flamina suburb of Clermont-Ferrand, in the Puy-de-Dôme department. The attackers subsequently hurled two incendiary bombs at firemen as they arrived at the site. No one was hurt in the incident. [FB]
  120. Dec. 10 – A bomb went off at the restaurant of a camping site in Olmeto, in the Corse-du-Sud department, causing considerable damage. [20M & F3]
  121. Dec. 16 – About twenty thugs set fire to five cars and street furniture in the Saint-Maurice Pellevoisin suburb of Lille, in the Nord department. The incidents took place following the deaths of two youths who were hit by a train. Rumors spread that the victims had been killed as they fled from police. [20M, F3 & VdN]
  122. Dec. 17 – Two policemen were injured when a group of thugs assaulted and stoned them after they had stopped a car for an inspection in the Parisian suburb of Viry, in the Essonne department. [Par]

Actu: Actu France (France), AFP: Agence France Presse (France), AP: Associated Press (America), BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation (Britain), BP: Bien Public (France), CM: Corse Matin (France), CNN: Cable News Network (America), CPic: Courrier Picard (France), Dau: Dauphine (France), Dep: Dépêche du Midi (France), DL: Dauphiné Libéré (France), DNA: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace (France), E1: Europe 1 (France), ER: Est-Républicain (France), F3: France 3 (France), FB: France Blue (France), FI: France Info (France), GVd’O: Gazette Val d’Oise (France), Hrtz: Haaretz (Israel), JDD: Journal du Dimanche (France), LC: Lyon Capitale (France), Met: Metro News (France), ML: Midi Libre (France), Mon: Monde (France), NM: Nice Matin (France), NR: Nouvelle République (France), OF: Ouest France (France), Par: Parisien (France), Pop: Populaire (France), Prog: Progrès (France), Prov: Province (France), Rép: République (France), RL: Républicain Lorrain (France), Tél: Télégramme (France), TO: Tendance Ouest (France), Union: Union (France), FTV: France Télévisions (France), RL: Républicain Lorrain (France), ToI: Times of Israel (Israel), TL: Tarn Libre (France), VdN: Voix du Nord (France), VM: Var-Matin (France), VoM: Vosges-Matin (France)